"We´re breaking all the rules"


En a infancia, no dudaba. Un color iba después de otro, simplemente y la afinidad se daba sin más. No se cuestionaba, no nos cuestionábamos. Las seis piezas recogen las  reglas que Corita Kent (Sister Corita) le daba a sus alumnos:

-Forsake all expectations and the performance anxiety. You are here to have fun, relax and you do not have to prove anything.

-Consider everything an experiment.

-Nothing is a mistake. There is no winning and no falling. There is only making.

-The only rule os work. If you work it will lead to something. it is the people who do all of the work all the time who eventually catch things.

-Do no try to create an analyse at the same time. They are different processes.

-By happy whenever you can. Enjoy yourself. It is easier than you think.

-"We´re braking all the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for x quantities"- John Cage

-Suspend judgment, smile and accept any result, be willing to surprise yourself

Tinta y acuarela sobre papel montado en lienzos de 20x20 cada uno